Sunday, February 28, 2010

Gun Show Dress

As you know if you've been around the blog for awhile, I am working to get a gun show for my birthday. I really am feeling like I need to step it up in that department, but I am confident that I can do it. I have five months until I turn 31 and have made big progress so far.

I have told myself that I am going to wear a sleeveless dress on my birthday so that I can show off my progress (or lack thereof). I've been looking for a good dress for awhile and today I found one that I like at one of my favorite stores. I'm all about getting the min for the Maxx - and at $24.99 for the dress, I consider this a winner!

I settled on a dress that I thought would be a bit of a stretch.

When I started all of this, I wore size 26. Now I can wear almost all 20s off the rack and some 18s comfortably. If I can be solidly in a size 16 by August 1, I will feel great about that. I think I can do it. And OMG I would just squee my little head off if I could wear anything in a size 14 by the time school started. The last time I regularly wore size 16 clothes was in seventh grade.

Here are pictures of me in the dress. I look a bit flabby, but actually if I wore a suit jacket or cardigan over this now, I think it would cover my back fat wrinkles and it would look cute.

Still not ready for the sleeveless prime time quite yet, though. These aren't full fledged tricep windflaps, but I don't think I'm ready to be a tricep model yet either...

I will keep working on it, though, and am looking forward to the public debut of Sarah in a sleeveless dress (Incidentally - chesty ladies out there, any suggestions on how to pull off this neckline with a decent bra? I'm currently a 42H and probably will be a 38-40G or so by my birthday -- but as you can see my current bra situation just isn't cutting it...if I'm going to work hard to be able to pull off sleeveless dresses, the last thing I want to do is skank it up by showing my bra straps. Gag.)


  1. This is a very cute dress! Not 100% sure this will work but possibilities for bra strap concealing... They sell these clip things that pull your bra straps in ward maybe they'd be covered by the straps then? or also some convertable bras you can try a different configuration to help pull them in? Or "worst case" clear straps? I know that's not the best option but I can't really see you rockin the strapless bra (I am not a chesty woman by any means but I fricken hate strapless bras!)

  2. WHAT A CUTE DRESS!!! holy buckets.

    just found you today. i'm in awe. lots in common, you and i . went to WW last night and shocked myself with a 1.8 loss.. after eating a bag of chips and dip the day before. bizarro. feeling highly motivated to get back on track -- i started at 286. am on my way.... thanks for your writing, your work. i look forward to staying connected!!!!



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