Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Misc. Mish Mash

Today is weight watchers. Not sure what the scale would do, but I should be down a bit -- but I sabotaged myself again over the weekend. I must find a healthy way to do pizza or I will kill myself like this every weekend. And mess up the eating out goal.

Last night I had a show at the Walton Arts Center -- Drowsy Chaperone -- really cute. I've seen the show before and neither cast was stellar but the strength of the show always makes the material enjoyable. Bad news was I was gone from home from 7:40 AM - 9:30 PM and ate a meal out (still haven't figured out how to do the two meals away from home without eating out).

I have been so exhausted lately. Not "I'm so tired I am about to fall asleep in the middle of everything tired" but "I'm so tired there's no way I'm getting up at 5:15 to work out" tired. When I'm tired like that, I generally don't fight it. If my body is telling me I need sleep, I do. I work out after work and not working out twice a day will not kill me, even though I love morning spin class and love the idea of having two afterburns.

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