Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The last few days I've been slammed, mostly at work which somehow manages to ripple its mayhem through the rest of my life. I have not been packing healthy lunches, but eating out which is tough. Yesterday I forgot my gym clothes at home at decided to forgo the whole working out thing in favor of...working. And eating out (no, those two things are not as similar to working out as the name implies, sadly).

Today was full of...working. Went to work from 8-4:45, worked out (water aerobics and swim class), went to McAlister's Deli, made some poor food choices, and spent the evening there grading exams. Came home, drooled over some bikes with a friend who actually knows about bikes, and then prepped for my class. Now it's 10:09 PM and time to go to bed.

I haven't packed my lunch or my clothes for tomorrow, but I am going to go to bed in an attempt to get up for spin class. I can't even remember the last time I went. I bet it was literally two weeks ago. Not. Good.

You hear it often, but I have never paid attention. Being busy is so not the friend of being on plan. You have to plan to be on plan. I haven't planned the last two days, and I haven't tracked, and I definitely haven't been on plan. I will get back to it. Need to finalize that freaking three year review packet. The ultimate due date is Thursday, and after that is one step further up the chain (which is great, but scary -- and it seems to require more work/revisions each step it takes up the food chain).

1 comment:

  1. Planning is really so important for us, isn't it? I am not a planner by default either. I have found that I do so much better when I plan it out and track my progress though.


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